Dec. 7, 2023

If anyone is still looking for a tree this year, our friend Ross is once again selling beautiful Colorado Blue Spruce for only $40.

*569 Sumbler Rd, Pelham*

Open Fri., Sat. and Sun. 9 am til dusk

Nov. 25, 2023

That's it, folks!  We're all sold out.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by for a tree and to to chat with us. 

Nov. 13, 2023

Last year we thought that might be it for us selling trees, but we love this season so much we can't help but open up for another year! We'll be open this year the weekend of November 24/25/26, only while supplies last. Come by and say hi!

Nov. 29, 2022

A PA Day on Friday + 11° weather on Saturday = Sold out on Sunday! And with that, we are now officially closed. As always, our favourite part of the year is seeing the faces of our long time customers and meeting so many new people. On behalf of us all at Smiths' Trees, we wish you a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and happy new year!

Nov. 1, 2022

We are opening soon…Friday November 25 at 9:00am!  We will have a reduced supply of trees this year, but should start with a selection that most people will be happy with.  We are really looking forward to seeing customers old and new. We anticipate running out of parking space Saturday and Sunday. The best parking will be all day Friday and on Sunday morning.

Dec. 3, 2021

We spoke too soon! With the media reporting a shortage of Christmas trees, we have been extremely busy this year, resulting in our having to announce that we are unfortunately now closed for the season! We really enjoyed seeing the faces of so many long time customers. We look forward to seeing you again next year. Wishing you all have a joyous Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.

Nov. 30, 2021

Last weekend was quite busy! Most people found a tree that they were happy with. It was great seeing customers who have been coming every year for many years. Some now with kids started coming when THEY were babies! 

The biggest problem we had was finding enough parking for everyone. If you have the option, we suggest that you come up Friday (any time between 9AM and dark) or Sunday morning. Parking is much easier those times. Pete’s pre-cut trees are sold out for this year but he still has a good selection of trees for cutting.

Looking forward to greeting both our new and longtime customers!

Nov. 2, 2021

Halloween is over, which means it's time for us to start thinking about our favourite time of year!

This year we are opening on Friday,  November 26th at 9:00am. We will be open every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday until we close on Sunday, December 12. Our supply is again limited this year. The best trees go first, so come early for the best selection.

We have kept our protocols in place to protect our customers and staff. We will again not be able to provide hot cider and cookies, and toys will not be available for the children. The garage and washroom will also be closed off. Please bring your own saw with you, as we will have a limited amount available to borrow and will be disinfecting them between use. Our staff will be wearing masks, and we ask that you do the same when interacting with us. When you are here please maintain an appropriate distance (2 metres) from other guests and please do not visit our farm if you are feeling unwell.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!

Dec. 5, 2020

Just a friendly reminder that we are CLOSED!  Pete's field (accessed from our parking lot) still has lots of beautiful trees from 7' to 14' tall, for $80.

Dec. 1, 2020

We have had an extremely busy year this year! It's been good to see so many happy faces (hidden behind their masks, of course). Lots of “thumbs up” signals!  

That said, the selection in our main field has dropped to the point where we are going to have to shut down to save some trees for next year. 

Although we've reached our last day for 2020, “Pete’s Premium trees” will remain open. They operate a field on our farm and they have an excellent selection of large (up to 14 foot!) Colorado blue spruce. He sells these trees for $80.00. You access his trees from our parking lot.

Nov. 27, 2020

We were very busy last weekend with so many happy families getting out early to choose their tree. As a consequence, tree supply is very limited on our farm.

Pete still has a great selection of Colorado blue spruce on his field!  His trees are from 8 to 12 feet tall and they sell for $80.

Nov. 1, 2020

It's almost here – our favourite time of the year!

This year we are opening on Saturday, November 21. We will be open every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday until December 20. Once again, we are partnering with “Pete’s Premium Trees”, who are growing beautiful Colorado Blue Spruce on one of our fields. Both fields are accessed by the parking lot at our house. The prices for the trees have not changed from last year: $40.00 for Smiths' Trees and $80.00 for Pete’s Premium Trees.

Our (Smith's Trees) selection is limited, so the best and tallest (8’) trees go first. Pete has an almost unlimited supply of trees up to 12 feet tall.

The big change for this year is COVID 19! We have put protocols in place to protect our customers and staff. We will unfortunately not be able to provide hot cider and cookies this year, and toys will not be available for the children. The garage and washroom will also be closed off. We will accept cash but would appreciate exact change so we can reduce the amount of cash that we have to handle. We are also hoping (stay tuned) to be able to accept debit card payment this year! Please bring your own saw with you, as we will have a limited amount available to borrow and will be disinfecting them between use. Our staff will be wearing masks, and we ask that you do the same when interacting with us. When you are here please maintain an appropriate distance (2 metres) from other guests and please do not visit our farm if you are feeling unwell.

There are lots of changes this year – but we're looking forward to seeing you again soon!

Dec. 19, 2019

We have declared the farm “Closed for the Season!” It was a very interesting selling season with the addition of “Pete's Premium Trees”. These are big and beautiful Colorado blue spruce trees grown on a different part of the farm, and were very well received. Our friend Peter ran that field and did a great job. His intention was to grow nursery stock for replanting, but decided that he would try his hand at selling them as Christmas trees and it worked out very well. He knew that because those trees were so large and full it would be difficult for the customers to get them to the car, so he carried them from the field to the car individually in a small trailer. He was kept very busy but it worked out well.

Sales from the traditional Smiths' Trees field (the east field – closest to the house) also went well this year. Most people seemed to enjoy themselves in spite of some very unpleasant weather and were able to find a tree they were happy with. Next year we plan to continue with the two fields and two prices. Pete is planning to increase the capacity of his tree transfer service to accommodate the expected increase in volume of the larger trees. A good growing season will allow us to replenish the traditional Smiths' Trees field so we should be able to offer a good selection again next year - especially for the people who come up early in the season.

We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy 2020!

Dec. 3, 2019

This last Sunday was a challenge both for us AND the hardy souls that made their way out into our field and selected their tree! It was inspiring to see people being so happy and enthusiastic in the face of such weather. Our hydro was off for about 4 hours so our “hot cider” was not so hot!

The selection in the main field has dropped to the point where we are going to have to shut down to save some trees for next year. However, “Pete's Premium Christmas Trees” still has a big selection of excellent trees. These are reached by a short walk from our parking lot. After you choose your tree, it will be delivered to your car. You can then enjoy a cookie and a glass of hot cider (hydro permitting).

Nov. 27, 2019

Our opening day (November 23) was probably the busiest opening day we have ever had! The parking lot was nearly full by 9:30. People arrived steadily throughout the day, and were generally very pleased with their experience. “Pete's Premium Christmas Trees” were a success. 

Our selection of trees is noticeably reduced for the coming weekend. We should be able to have a limited selection for Friday and Saturday, but pickings will be getting thin by Sunday December 1. Our intention is to be open to support the sale of “Pete's Premium Christmas Trees” from the neighbouring field, and allow people to search our field for a suitable tree that was missed last weekend.

“Pete's Premium Christmas Trees” are extremely high quality Colorado blue spruce up to 15 feet tall. Some of these will be pre-cut and on display at our place, but you can also leave your vehicle in our parking lot and take the short walk to his field where you can make your selection from many hundreds of trees. Your tree will then be transported to your vehicle. As usual, hot cider and cookies will be available.

Oct. 25, 2019

Our opening day of November 23rd is fast approaching, and we have an exciting announcement to make!

As our long-time customers know, we sell out of trees every year!  This high demand for trees means that each year our trees rarely get the chance to grow higher than 6-7 feet tall.

This year we are partnering with our neighbour who grows Christmas trees one field over!  He has hundreds of beautiful Colorado Blue Spruce, which have been growing for the past 12 years and are now 8-12 feet tall. A selection of "Pete's Premium Christmas Trees" will be freshly pre-cut and on display at our farm (or you can cut your own from his field, if you want to choose your own!)

Our prices remain the same as always ($40), and "Pete's Premium Christmas Trees" will be available for sale for $80.

We can't wait to see you this season!

Dec. 4, 2018

We have closed for the season. We have had a very busy selling season and so are already sold out. It has been great seeing our very faithful long time customers and meeting many new people. We are sorry to disappoint so many by closing this early but if the trees are gone - they are gone. We would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season and we are looking forward to seeing you next year.

Dec. 2, 2018

Don't forget! Our farm can only be accessed from one direction after Dec. 1. Pro tip: To get here, enter "2347 Hollow Road in Thorold" into your GPS. That brings you to the open entrance to Orchard Hill Road. Travel 1/2 Km along Orchard Hill road to our farm. 🌲🌲🌲

Nov. 30, 2018

We had a very good opening weekend. (Possibly the best ever!) Saturday morning was good but the afternoon rain slowed things down. Sunday was busy all day but we never were too crowded. People seem very pleased with their selection.

It was great to see so many long time friends and catch up with the news. New babies everywhere. Multiple sets of new twins and even a set of triplets. (I get tired just thinking about it.)

This coming weekend we are open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9:00 AM to dark. As usual the very best selection is available for the people who come first. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Nov. 17, 2018

The big day is one week away!  We open on Saturday November 24 at 9:00am, and close at dark. After the first weekend, we will be open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays until we are sold out.

The new picture we just added on our Facebook page ( shows the “natural” look we are trying to feature. We trim all of our trees by hand with hedge clippers. We do have tall trees, but they always go very quickly! 

This is our favourite time of year, and we can't wait until next weekend!  We are looking forward to greeting old friends and meeting new ones.

Nov. 6, 2018

It’s a great time of year! The fall colours are magnificent. We have professional photographers at our farm every weekend taking portraits. (This is not a service we provide to families - the photographers bring their own clients.)

We open for Christmas tree sales on Saturday November 24 at 9:00 AM. As usual there are a lot of good trees to start the season. During the last few years we have changed our trimming priority. We have stopped aiming for a tight, perfectly uniform, artificial looking tree, and have tried to produce something that looks like a 'real' tree. Most customers seem to like the change, but I am sure that feeling is not unanimous. (I like them better and that’s important to me.)

The majority of our trees are Colorado blue spruce and Meyer spruce. Both varieties look quite similar, they keep their needles well, and are rigid enough to hold heavy ornaments. I like growing them because the deer do not munch on them as much as they do other varieties. Our supply of Balsam fir is down quite a bit from last year. They are quite popular with both the customers AND the hungry deer! We are pretty well out of pine this year.

As usual, we are suggesting that you come as early in the season as possible. After the first weekend, we are also open Fridays. If you can, come then, as Fridays are not as busy. As well, the selection is better than later in the weekend. As usual we will have complimentary cookies and hot cider. The trees remain at $40.00 each (No added tax!)

Dec. 13, 2017

We are now “Closed for the Season”. It has been a very successful selling period, with many longtime customers again dropping by. The weekend of November 25th was probably the busiest opening weekend we have ever had! We had excellent weather for the first two weekends, but the third was a bit cold for my old bones.

We now start the process of cutting off the stumps and gathering things up to get ready for next year. Check the website as next Christmas draws near to get a heads up on dates we will be open, price, availability, and other pertinent news.

Thanks to all of you who came to the farm this year, and helped to make this season such a happy one for the Smiths and our helpers Maureen and Morgan!

Dec. 6, 2017

We have had an amazingly busy first two weekends of sales, with lots of very happy and enthusiastic customers. The downside to this is that the selection of available trees has been reduced.

There are definitely no more cover of “Better Homes and Gardens” trees available. Because tall trees go first, the quality of the tall trees is not what it was at the start of the season, and so any tree over six feet tall will have something that makes it not perfect. (There are still very nice trees that are 5 to 6' tall.)

That said, the farm is a great place for a walk among the trees followed by complimentary cookies and glass of hot apple cider, even if you can’t find a suitable tree, so feel free to come by and take a look!

Also, Orchard Hill Road is closed west of our farm so you will have to come in from the east. If you use a GPS I suggest that you enter 2347 Hollow Road, Thorold. That takes you to the junction of Hollow and Orchard Hill Roads. Just follow Orchard Hill to our farm (about 1/2 km) Alternately you can go to for turn by turn directions.

Nov. 30, 2017

Our first weekend of 2017 went very well! Weather was not bad, and the visitors extremely happy and enthusiastic. The majority of trees coming out were balsam fir. One thing that took Jim by surprise was the heavier than normal flow of people before 2:00 on Sunday and the drop off after 2:00. It must have been the result of Grey Cup parties. 

This weekend is likely to be very busy on Saturday and Sunday so if you can we would suggest that you come up Friday. We are open from 9:00 ‘till dark Friday as well.

And now - A QUESTION FOR ALL OF THE TREE EXPERTS OUT THERE!  Why are there no pine cones this year on any of the spruce trees at Smiths’ Tree Farm? Give Wise old Jim your answer when you come to the farm. (Well, “old” anyway)

Nov. 25, 2017

This is the day we have been working towards all year. The weather started out with rain at 6:20 this morning, but the forecast for this weekend is pretty good. Because of the heavy sod in the plantation, mud should not be a problem even if we get a lot of rain. Mary and I went out yesterday and cut our tree while we had a chance. Selection looks pretty good to me, but I am a bit prejudiced!

As in the past we suggest coming up early in the season for the best selection. Also, if you can make it on a Friday you get easier parking.

Looking forward to again greeting old friends and meeting new ones.

Nov. 10, 2017

We are getting close to our opening day (Saturday Nov. 25), and that is always an exciting time. There was an adequate amount of rain this year and no late damaging frosts, so it was a good growing year. The pine were pretty well all sold out last year so I am sorry to say that we will not have any this year. (Is this the year for you to switch to a fir or spruce?) We quit planting pine because they can be prone to disease and the deer love to eat them.

As in other years, we suggest that you come out for your tree early in the season. If you are looking to beat the crowds once we get into December, you might want to come out before 10:00 am on a Saturday or Sunday, or anytime on a Friday.

Looking forward to seeing you all – even if it is just for a handshake and a “Merry Christmas”!